Exam ordering
Online Assessment Requests (preferred delivery method)
Invigilator to complete and return one of the below options to place a request and email to amcom@amc.edu.au
Paper Assessment Orders
Invigilators may place a request for paper assessments if:
- location is unsuitable to conduct online assessments;
- candidates cannot access online assessments;
- backup for online assessments.
Access the Paper Assessment Request using the online exam ordering portal
Additional Information and Forms
- AMC Process for Face to Face Marine Radio Exams (PDF 138.8 KB)
- Invigilator Guidelines (PDF 220.6 KB)
- Invigilator Application Form (PDF 172.4 KB)
- Exam Lodgement Form (PDF 165.2 KB)
- Notes and examination Instructions (PDF 145.9 KB)
- Radio Operators Certificate Information brochure (PDF 2.1 MB)
Long Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (LROCP)
- Application for Initial Issue LROCP (PDF 161.8 KB)
- Marine radio mf hf (image) (JPG 42KB)
- Observation checklist LROCP (PDF 128.7 KB)
- Observation checklist LROCP suggested responses (Word 272KB)
- Application Form/Answer Sheet - Paper ( PDF 233.3 KB)
Short Range Operator Certificate of Proficiency (SROCP)
- Application for Initial Issue SROCP PDF 161.9 KB
- Marine Radio VHF (Image) (JPG 17KB)
- Observation checklist SROCP (PDF 127.4 KB)
- Observation checklist SROCP suggested responses (Word 235KB)
- Application Form/Answer Sheet - Paper (PDF 224.6 KB)