The MSCE qualification consists of a 25 multi-choice question paper (duration 30 minutes with a 70% pass mark) examination and a practical component. The practical component may be conducted by either by the invigilator or another person nominated by the invigilator.
Applicants require an understanding of:
- The concepts underlying the Inmarsat satellite system, including location of satellites, global coverage, ocean regions, network coordination and control stations and land earth stations.
- The worldwide rescue coordination centre (RCC) network and automatic routing of distress messages.
Applicants require a detailed knowledge of:
- Transmission and reception of distress alerts.
- The procedures to be used should a false distress alert be inadvertently transmitted.
- Transmission and reception of priority alerts.
- The Enhanced Group Calling system for reception of Maritime Safety Information.
Applicants require a knowledge of:
- The functionality of Inmarsat C and Fleet 77 equipment.
- Antenna stabilisation and shadows.
- The messaging facilities provided by Inmarsat C.
- Logging-in and logging-out of Inmarsat C.
- Two digit code safety services.
- Interfacing with navigational equipment and manual position updating of Inmarsat C.
- Authorised users of SafetyNET.
- How to perform testing of equipment to ensure functionality of Inmarsat C equipment.
- Radiation hazards associated with Inmarsat equipment installations.
- Demonstrate a practical knowledge of marine radio operations and equipment.