Prizes and awards are offered each year to recognise outstanding student achievement. Many of the prizes are made available through generous sponsorship from our industry partners. AMC gratefully acknowledges their tremendous support of our students.
AMC congratulates the following award and prize recipients on their outstanding efforts and achievement.
- 2024 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 266.5 KB)
- 2023 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 256.8 KB)
- 2022 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 248.5 KB)
- 2021 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 249.7 KB)
- 2020 AMC Award Recipients () PDF 225.9 KB
- 2019 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 276.6 KB)
- 2018 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 267.6 KB)
- 2017 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 259.4 KB)
- 2016 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 261.1 KB)
- 2015 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 80.4 KB)
- 2014 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 88.5 KB)
- 2013 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 148.4 KB)
- 2012 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 121.5 KB)
- 2011 AMC Award Recipients (PDF 119.5 KB)
University Medal
Students who have qualified for a bachelor degree with first class honours are considered for this prestigious award. The University Medal recognises students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement throughout their studies.
- 2023 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Samantha Hoekstra
- 2022 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Jack Crawford
- 2021 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Thomas Rehrmann
- 2020 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Thomas Anthony Davenport
- 2019 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Julia Blackman
- 2018 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Uddish Singh
- 2017 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Tobias Aldridge
- 2016 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Cam Clarkson
- 2015 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Megan Dykman
- 2014 AMC Recipient of the University Medal: Kulbhushan Bhosale
Principal’s Roll of Excellence
The Principal’s Roll of Excellence or “Honour Roll” recognises and celebrates annually the academic achievements of the top performing undergraduate students in the Australian Maritime College.
- Executive Dean's Honour Roll (from 2021 onwards)
- 2020 Principal's Roll of Excellence
- 2019 Principal's Roll of Excellence
- 2018 Principal's Roll of Excellence
- 2017 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
- 2016 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
- 2015 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
- 2014 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
- 2013 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
- 2012 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
- 2011 Principal’s Roll of Excellence
For this award, excellence is not restricted to student performance within the AMC but refers to excellence throughout a course. This allows for recognition of excellence in those instances were a student transfers from a course outside the AMC, or completes one or more elective units external to AMC.
To be eligible for inclusion on the Principal’s Roll of Excellence, a student must:
- be enrolled in an undergraduate course offered by the AMC with all units of the current approved enrolment contributing to the fulfilment of the requirements for that undergraduate course;
- achieve an average grade of 6.25 or higher in a single academic year (comprised of all semesters);
- either be enrolled in a load of 100% or more across the academic year (excluding WW results) if a full-time student OR be enrolled in a load of at least 50% (but less than 100%) each year over two consecutive calendar years (excluding WW results) if a part-time student;
- not be awarded a terminating pass or failing grade (including WN) in the respective academic year.
- Achieve Distinction or higher result in 87.5% of the years enrolment with the remaining enrolment being no less than a credit result.
- Be enrolled in at least 87.5% at the respective year level, for example a third year student must enrol in a minimum of 87.5% level 300 units to be eligible.
- Students with extenuating circumstances may be considered at the discretion of Principal and on the recommendation of a Director.
- A student’s eligibility is subject to the discretion of the Principal.
Calculation of Grade Point Average
The method for calculating the GPA is based on allocating a mark to a grade as follows:
- HD = 7
- DN = 6
- CR = 5
- PP = 4
The result UP (Ungraded Pass) is not included in GPA calculations
If a full-time student studies an overload, i.e. greater than 100%, the best 100% will be included in the calculation. A part-time student will have the unit combination of their best two 50% loadings over two consecutive calendar years included in the calculation.
Mid-Year Intakes
The Principal’s Roll of Excellence is based on full academic years; therefore students commencing a course of study in semester two will be eligible for inclusion on the roll at the conclusion of semester one each year. Eligibility checking will take place at the conclusion of Semester two.
Study in Semesters other than Semester 1 and 2
Units studied in all semesters are included in the average grade calculation. Since eligibility checking occurs at the conclusion of semester two, completed study in other semesters is considered to have occurred in the year of eligibility checking.
Outbound exchange and Cross-Institutional Enrolment
Where results are available for study undertaken at an overseas or Australian university, these results will be included in average grade calculation. Where these results are
unavailable such students will be deemed ineligible.
Principal’s Citation
The Principal’s Citation recognises the achievements of those students who have been listed on the Principal’s Roll of Excellence for three or more years.