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Brent Clark

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Brent Clark

With a career spanning over 30 years in both the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and defence industry, Brent has held a variety of senior roles from project management to executive management in small, medium and large Defence companies including BAE Systems Australia, Thales Australia, SAAB Systems and Sonartech Atlas.

In November 2018 Brent established his own consulting company and is currently consulting to a variety of companies.

Brent was appointed as interim CEO of Naval Group Australia in March 2016, prior to this appointment he was the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Director for Strategy and Communications and Human Resources (HR) at Naval Group Australia. In his role as COO, Brent was responsible for managing Naval Group’s relationships with the Department of Defence and State and Federal Government officials. Brent also acted as the spokesperson for the organisation and liaised regularly with Australian trade and daily media and presented on behalf of Naval Group at external conferences and industry briefings.

Prior to joining Naval Group, Brent worked for the largest defence contractor in Australia, BAE Systems, as the Head of Business Development, Strategy and Communications, Maritime. In this role Brent was responsible for the Maritime Business Unit (BU), a BU made up of over 1,500 employees with an annual turnover of AUD$560M. Brent was responsible for delivering a variety of programs including; Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) Training Package; Anzac Class ASMD Modification; LHD Initial in-service Support package; Commercial Oil & Gas work; and Commercial Ship repair work.

Prior to BAE Systems, Brent was the Vice President, Thales Naval Business Group for Thales Australia. In this role Brent was responsible for the Thales Australia Naval Business Group which had an annual turnover of AUD$270M and over 900 employees.

Brent has also worked for SAAB Systems and Sonartech Atlas.

Prior to joining the private sector, Brent served in the Royal Australian Navy for 11 years on HMA Submarine Onslow, NUSHIP Farncomb, HMAS Ovens and HMAS Otway.

Brent is a graduate of Queensland University and holds a Master of Business Administration. Brent has four daughters.