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AMC Staff Awards Ceremony (January – July 2020)

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The Australian Maritime College joined together to celebrate and acknowledge key staff as presented by Michael van Balen AO at the AMC staff awards ceremony this month. An extended congratulations to all who were recipients of the following.

  • The Principal, Australian Maritime College commends Associate Professor Shu-Ling ‘Peggy’ Chen for outstanding leadership of the Maritime and Logistics Management discipline during the COVID-19 affected, Course Structure Transformation programme, January to July, 2020.

    As Head of the Maritime and Logistics Management discipline, Associate Professor Chen displayed tireless endeavour in the pursuit of excellence, leading her team in the development of a new course structure and majors, to successfully ensure the distinctiveness of the Bachelor of Global Logistics and Maritime Management. Her efforts maximised the utility and attractiveness of the course for the maritime industry. When COVID-19 restrictions made face-to-face delivery of courses untenable, Associate Professor Chen’s methodical planning guaranteed a smooth transition to full online delivery, and her prudent human and financial resource management helped limit the adverse consequences of COVID-19 restrictions. Her mentoring of less experienced staff, unselfish sharing of knowledge, expertise and time in guiding staff to address pedagogical, administrative and research challenges was instrumental to the success of the Maritime and Logistics Management discipline. Despite these additional challenges, Associate Professor Chen continued to be a role model of efficiency, completing all major tasks on time and maintaining her track record for not having missed a single work deadline whilst also continuing her excellent research record, recently adding another grant to her suite of accomplishments.

    The outstanding professionalism, leadership and commitment demonstrated by Associate Professor Chen in the performance of her duties are deserved of the highest praise as an example to others, and are considered to be in the finest traditions of the Australian Maritime College.
  • The Principal, Australian Maritime College commends Associate Professor Jiangang ‘Johnny’ Fei for outstanding devotion to duty as Associate Head Learning and Teaching, during the period the University of Tasmania conducted a Course Structure Transformation Programme, January through June, 2020.

    As the Associate Head Learning and Teaching, Associate Professor Fei brought great credit upon the Australian Maritime College through his tireless efforts in coordinating input to the Course Structure Transformation program and minimising the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on student learning. Not willing to accept second best, he worked long and hard hours to ensure the revised course structures provided the best outcome. Working with Course and Unit Coordinators, Associate Professor Fei sought to work out ways in which to improve on current course structures, painstakingly staffing input to, and attending many Course Structure Transformation Programme meetings to achieve the desired outcome. While undertaking this work, Associate Professor Fei also organised workshops to assist lecturers in transitioning from face-to-face delivery of courses to online delivery necessary in the COVID-19 environment.

    this considerable workload, Associate Professor Fei remained positive and engaging throughout, continuing to teach a post-graduate unit in International Trade during the semester while remaining ready to assist others and take on more responsibility as required. His quiet and engaging demeanour belie his ferocious appetite to support the betterment of the Australian Maritime College and the promotion of the highest standards of academia.

    The outstanding professionalism, commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated by Associate Professor Fei in the performance of his duties are deserved of the highest praise as an example to others, and are considered to be in the finest traditions of the Australian Maritime College.
  • The Principal, Australian Maritime College commends Doctor Thomas Mitchell-Ferguson for outstanding devotion to duty as Course Co-ordinator of the Bachelor of Engineering (Naval Architecture) degree within the National Centre, Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics, during the implementation of the COVID-19 safety plan and Course Structure Transformation Programme at the University of Tasmania.

    As a rising academic, Doctor Mitchell-Ferguson brought great credit upon himself through his unwavering support and dedication to students and staff during the transition from face-to-face to online teaching in response to COVID-19. His selfless approach, calm demeanour and sound logical reasoning ensured he quickly became a key point of contact for staff and students on issues and information relating to COVID-19. In this capacity, he worked tirelessly to ensure solutions to perceived problems were successfully developed, achieving excellent outcomes.

    Doctor Mitchell-Ferguson’s professionalism and unswerving commitment were also evident during work on the Course Structure Transformation Programme where he was instrumental in the attainment of key outcomes in support of the Australian Maritime College. Spearheading many of the negotiations on the Bachelor of Engineering course structure review within College of Science and Engineering, Doctor Mitchell-Ferguson ensured the appropriate content and communication of information between all levels of staff, and an ongoing dialogue within the National Centre for Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics.  Despite professional and cultural challenges, and working in a dynamic and time constrained environment, Doctor Mitchell-Ferguson’s steady approach ensured a reasoned logical argument prevail successfully achieving a balanced and objective outcome for all. Throughout, his qualities and values have been exemplary.

    The outstanding professionalism, commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated by Doctor Mitchell-Ferguson in the performance of his duties, are deserved of the highest praise as an example to others, and are considered to be in the finest traditions of the Australian Maritime College.
  • The Principal, Australian Maritime College commends Doctor Nicolas Johnson for outstanding devotion to duty as First Year Co-operative Program Coordinator for the National Centre, Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics, during the period of COVID-19 restrictions and Course Structure Transformation Programme at the University of Tasmania.

    As a rising academic, Doctor Johnson brought great credit upon himself through his tireless efforts in organising and assisting the entire National Centre Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics teaching staff to overcome the challenges of online teaching. His procurement of technical instruments required for online teaching, development of a simple ‘how to use’ guide and video on the use of the equipment, and workshop and web conferencing meetings were instrumental in ensuring the National Centre Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics continued to meet its teaching obligations in the COVID-19 environment. Doctor Johnson’s initiative, drive and resourcefulness greatly aided staff members to overcome the challenges of an instantaneous change from face-to-face to online teaching; and his production of videos to teach students how to make the best use of web conferencing capabilities ensured they gained the most from their online experience, resulting in highly favourable commentary on course content and delivery.

    At the same time, Doctor Johnson demonstrated great commitment and professionalism, taking upon himself to jointly lead a team of National Centre Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics staff in the development and subsequent negotiation of the structure and content of the first year of the Maritime Engineering Undergraduate degree as part of the Australian Maritime College input to the Course Structure Transformation Programme. His tireless efforts in painstakingly staffing input to, and attending many Course Structure Transformation Programme meetings ensured a favourable outcome, maintained the distinctiveness of the course offering, and positioned the Australian Maritime College well for the future

    The outstanding professionalism, commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated by Doctor Johnson in the performance of his duties, are deserved of the highest praise as an example to others, and are considered to be in the finest traditions of the Australian Maritime College.
  • The Business Manager, Australian Maritime College cites Jess Rice for outstanding commitment to process improvement and innovation supporting the delivery of vocational education and training.

    Jess Rice continually seeks opportunities to improve compliance processes and relieve the administrative burden on academic colleagues as evidenced through her tireless effort to introduce electronic Australian Maritime Safety Agency Mandated Practical Assessments for students undertaking the Master Less than 24 metres course. Merging two administrative processes, the introduction of the electronic process for a full cohort of students resulted in 2980 less individual staff signatures required through the administrative process. The electronic process also eliminated the need to separately track student results, which are now fed directly into the Registered Training Organisation’s student management system. Introduction of such changes cannot be done without strong collaboration between professional and academic staff. Through her sound leadership, resourcefulness and initiative, Jess Rice successfully brought staff together to identify needs, implement change and embed that change into the Australian Maritime College’s electronic Australian Maritime Safety Agency Mandated Practical Assessments system. She is recognised amongst staff as an expert in compliance and this credibility provided the basis for successfully introducing the change.

    Jess Rice has worked tirelessly with her team and academic colleagues to improve Registered Training Organisation work flows and to remove unnecessary administrative processes. Her efforts are demonstrative of an outstanding commitment to Australian Maritime College values, are praiseworthy as an example to others, and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Australian Maritime College.
  • The Business Manager, Australian Maritime College cites Sheree Campton for outstanding service during the period when the Office of Maritime Communications took responsibility as Australian National Administrator for amateur radio examinations and call signs.

    Not afraid to meet a challenge, Sheree Campton has performed exceptionally as the Australian Maritime College project lead for the integration of training in support of Australian Amateur Radio organisation licensing and callsign allocation. From the outset, the project required rapid acquisition of knowledge about a highly technical and complex area, and the need to rapidly develop supporting administrative systems for the administration of national amateur radio exams and call signs. Facing an aggressive and highly emotive amateur radio community, Sheree Campton instigated changes in licensing and callsign processes with a high degree of professionalism, empathy and patience achieving very good results. Throughout this demanding time period, she capably led the Office of Maritime Communication team providing timely, unprejudiced and reliable service to the marine radio and amateur radio communities.

    Sheree Campton’s leadership, positive interactions with others and steadfast approach to the task at hand, demonstrate an outstanding commitment to Australian Maritime College values, are praiseworthy as an example to others, and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Australian Maritime College.

Published on: 31 Jul 2020