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Students relish Logistics Challenge

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Queechy High School students undertaking the Australian Maritime College's Logistics Challenge with Associate Head Learning and Teaching Dr Jiangang Fei

AMC Logistics Challenge gives students glimpse of a real Tasmanian challenge

Business Studies students from Queechy High School in Launceston were the first group to take up the Australian Maritime College’s Logistics Challenge on Wednesday.

Ten students were arranged into teams to undertake the challenge of finding the best route to markets in China, Germany and USA for Tasmanian produce such as abalone, frozen or chilled beef and zinc.

They were the first group to take up the challenge which AMC Associate Head Learning and Teaching Dr Jiangang Fei and Head of Maritime and Logistics Dr Peggy Chen hope to expand statewide next year and potentially nationally in the future.

Queechy High School Business Studies teacher Sharon Oliver said the grade nine and ten teams had enjoyed the challenge and were competitive between themselves.

Dr Fei said the logistics industry employed one million Australians so the challenge aimed to promote careers in the logistics industry by engaging schools, academics and industry.

“The scenarios are very real and cover the product from the point of production to where it is  consumed,” he said.

“Students were asked to look at challenges or issues which may arise along the supply chain and provide possible solutions.”

“It covers transport logistics and business management.”  

He said teams were asked to prepare a report and present it to a group of academic staff.

Published on: 04 Sep 2019